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St Andrew, Framingham Pigot

With my unapologetic bias towards Victorian Gothic architecture, expectations for St Andrews were high. I was not disappointed. From the outside it is distinctly different from most other churches in the county. Its stone north tower has a real romantic air about it which would not look out of place in a Grimm fairytale. 

Built in 1859 on the site of a dilapidated late Saxon church, it was designed by the architect, Robert Kerr, and funded by Henry Christie of the London auction house fame. Inside you will find plentiful examples of fine stained glass by Hardman & Co and, in the chancel, there are many delightful faces carved into the pew ends.

There is also some impressive stonework in the divider at the base of the tower which separates the nave from the small lady chapel. In front of this also stands an equally impressive stone and marble font. 

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